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Check the drafts of a memoir (available in leading online stores) in long blog posting-format that account on how I coped with youthful urges with having no positive role models and growing up under restrictive social conditions, in Manila, Philippines, circa 1980s way much until after I moved to NYC. Drafts of my other book projects are here, too. God be praised!

This Thing Called 'Falling For Older Men'

My first book is now available in hardcover, paperback, e-book formats from my online store,, Barnes and Noble,, Powell's Books, and other online stores.
Even before I would care to recall some of the more interesting of my encounters, I've always preferred the company of older men. And some of them have been involved with me in more intimate ways than the usual. This, being another confessional posting again, will focus on one particular older guy who has been more of a real, good friend to me since we met each other over a year ago in a dance. I think it's the sexiness of the idea of making it with a conservative Jewish guy that has made me seriously pursue this friendship. I knew it from start that he was attracted to me but I was sending him a lot of confusing signals, so the seduction couldn't proceed until we were together in his old apartment in SoHo one time. And I was mesmerized by the connection we had the first time. We would then make use of a lot of reasons to be together, most especially those involving my efforts to build an online business. He's been supporting my efforts mainly by providing for items that would be included in my inventory, and which I've been marketing and selling successfully as I continue growing my online retail business.

In the meantime, we have planned to meet and engage in activities that were decidedly erotic, activities that only two like minded individuals would understand. Readers and viewers can only get glimpses on what exactly happens when two individuals who like each other decide to meet. again and again. We still continue to meet up even if we are not in touch for weeks. I would refer to this particular guy as one of those other parties one time when I had a spat with another really nice fellow with whom I keep an ongoing open relationship, when I said: "I would have you in mind even if I'm having sex with other guys, because I've been missing you." Such a statement sounds irresponsible and stupid but I was being honest and truthful. It also says that I'm grateful that I'm able to continue liking and loving several individuals practically all at the same time. Note, too, that this particular guy has his own long term partner, whom I know he loves dearly; I've heard him say many times that he loves his partner and which I like to believe. And I understand really what he has and able to share with other individuals who truly love him as to who he really is as a unique person.

And I would recall one time in a dance event how he said he loved me, which I heard him say in between certain dance steps we were making during that night. I knew he meant it and I have loved recalling the memory every chance I have. I knew he was being generous and I've been happy receiving the kind of great love he has for me.

I know we will still meet one of these days. We've grown to know each other that well, I like to believe. His generation is really more similar to those who grew up as adults in the 70s in New York City. He's among the pioneers who did a lot of work making sure the generation of men today would lead relatively manageable lifestyles especially when it comes to facing bravely their respective personas as being gay or bisexual individuals. I see from him how those guys before me have led their sexual lives with themselves and their varied partners; I get a taste of that whenever I'm with him.

I asked him if it's OK if I write about our meetings; he said the idea didn't really bother him as he knows I'm a writer. He would even want to offer and share more, the sense of such an idea I get from him when we're together. He's really a wellspring of grace and kindness, just like all the other individuals I've met and have had the honor to deal with in the many areas of my life. And we would talk about a lot of other topics, including religion, philosophy, art, business,  music, human relationships, dance. And that's why probably I continue to get attracted to older men, which can be shocking to some readers and viewers as the world's basically focused on highlighting youthfulness and those related to the young.

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My "GoodReads" reviews

The Garden of Two Dragons Fucking The Garden of Two Dragons Fucking by Jerusalino V. Araos

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
remarkably illustrated, concise, and irreverent (not a porno book, whatsoever)!!! an old friend lent me a copy years ago, and have found it very fascinating. of course, part of the excitement of reading this book is it's "curious" title. it's actually a children's book, (would you believe?), by araos, a respected artist in the philippines. the title may be offensive to most adults who have concerns about "fucking," but i'd believe parents would become more authentic as "persons" (who get hurt, need to be loved, need to love as well, etc.) to their children, if they get to have them read this book. you may not need to explain the title, as there's really no need for it. its being "irreverent" is mainly because of the use of the word 'fucking' & nothing else. it's all about discovering your being you as a person, pursuing your dreams, and not that one person others may have in mind when they see you. i could not get hard copies of this book myself, so i kept a xeroxed copy of it in my library back in the philippines.

View all my reviews.